Saturday, August 31, 2013

How Vegetation Competes for Rainfall in Dry Regions

Aug. 30, 2013 — The greater the plant density
in a given area, the greater the amount of
rainwater that seeps into the ground. This is
due to a higher presence of dense roots and
organic matter in the soil. Since water is a
limited resource in many dry ecosystems, such
as semi-arid environments and semi-deserts,
there is a benefit to vegetation to adapt by
forming closer networks with little space
between plants.

Hence, vegetation in semi-arid environments
(or regions with low rainfall) self-organizes into
patterns or "bands." The pattern formation
occurs where stripes of vegetation run parallel
to the contours of a hill, and are interlaid with
stripes of bare ground. Banded vegetation is
common where there is low rainfall. In a paper
published last month in the SIAM Journal on
Applied Mathematics, author Jonathan A.
Sherratt uses a mathematical model to
determine the levels of precipitation within
which such pattern formation occurs.

"Vegetation patterns are a common feature in
semi-arid environments, occurring in Africa,
Australia and North America," explains
Sherratt. "Field studies of these ecosystems are
extremely difficult because of their remoteness
and physical harshness; moreover there are no
laboratory replicates. Therefore mathematical
modeling has the potential to be an extremely
valuable tool, enabling prediction of how
pattern vegetation will respond to changes in
external conditions."
Several mathematical models have attempted
to address banded vegetation in semi-arid
environments, of which the oldest and most
established is a system of partial differential
equations, called the Klausmeier model.
The Klausmeier model is based on a water
redistribution hypothesis, which assumes that
rain falling on bare ground infiltrates only
slightly; most of it runs downhill in the
direction of the next vegetation band. It is
here that rain water seeps into the soil and
promotes growth of new foliage. This implies
that moisture levels are higher on the uphill
edge of the bands. Hence, as plants compete
for water, bands move uphill with each
generation. This uphill migration of bands
occurs as new vegetation grows upslope of the
bands and old vegetation dies on the
downslope edge.

In this paper, the author uses the Klausmeier
model, which is a system of reaction-diffusion-
advection equations, to determine the critical
rainfall level needed for pattern formation
based on a variety of ecological parameters,
such as rainfall, evaporation, plant uptake,
downhill flow, and plant loss. He also
investigates the uphill migration speeds of the
bands. "My research focuses on the way in
which patterns change as annual rainfall varies.
In particular, I predict an abrupt shift in
pattern formation as rainfall is decreased,
which dramatically affects ecosystems," says
Sherratt. "The mathematical analysis enables
me to derive a formula for the minimum level
of annual rainfall for which banded vegetation
is viable; below this, there is a transition to
complete desert."

The model has value in making resource
decisions and addressing environmental
concerns. "Since many semi-arid regions with
banded vegetation are used for grazing and/or
timber, this prediction has significant
implications for land management," Sherratt
says. "Another issue for which mathematical
modeling can be of value is the resilience of
patterned vegetation to environmental change.

This type of conclusion raises the possibility of
using mathematical models as an early warning
system that catastrophic changes in the
ecosystem are imminent, enabling appropriate
action (such as reduced grazing)."
The simplicity of the model allows the author
to make detailed predictions, but more
realistic models are required to further this
work. "All mathematical models are a
compromise between the complexity needed to
adequately reflect real-world phenomena, and
the simplicity that enables the application of
mathematical methods.

My paper concerns a
relatively simple model for vegetation
patterning, and I have been able to exploit this
simplicity to obtain detailed mathematical
predictions," explains Sherratt. "A number of
other researchers have proposed more realistic
(and more complex) models, and
corresponding study of these models is an
important area for future work. The
mathematical challenges are considerable, but
the rewards would be great, with the potential
to predict things such as critical levels of
annual rainfall with a high degree of
quantitative accuracy."

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided
by Society for Industrial and Applied
And ( sciencedaily magzine  ).

Journal Reference:

1. Jonathan A. Sherratt. Pattern Solutions of the
Klausmeier Model for Banded Vegetation in
Semiarid Environments V: The Transition
from Patterns to Desert. SIAM Journal on
Applied Mathematics, 2013; 73 (4): 1347 DOI:

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