Saturday, September 7, 2013

Arresting Model Stops Cars

Sep. 5, 2013 — Researchers in China have
developed a mathematical model that could
help engineers design a flexible vehicle-arrest
system for stopping cars involved in criminal
activity or terrorism, such as suspect car
bombers attempting break through a check
point, without wrecking the car or killing the

Writing in a forthcoming issue of the
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Pak Kin
Wong and colleagues in the Department of
Electromechanical Engineering at the
University of Macau, in Taipa, Macao, explain
how common vehicle-arrest systems used by
law enforcement, the military and in anti-
terrorism activities, usually cause serious
damage to the vehicle and maim or kill the
occupants. A more positive system for bringing
a car chase to a halt or stopping a car-bomber
in their tracks is needed if perpetrators,
witnesses and evidence are to be protected.

A flexible system would increase the stopping
distance of a vehicle involved in criminal or
terrorist activity and allow its kinetic energy to
be dissipated without the complete destruction
of the vehicle as otherwise occurs with solid,
immovable barriers and equipment currently
used. The team's mathematical model of
vehicle arrest with different flexible materials
and designs bears up to theoretical and
experimental scrutiny and offers engineers a
new set of variables to embed in their design
program in the development of new, effect
vehicle arrest systems. Moreover, the system
could allow the design of an "intelligent"
vehicle-arrest system for roadblocks and
checkpoints that could respond differently
depending on vehicle speed and type and allow
for greater control in bringing a vehicle to a

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided
by Inderscience Publishers , via EurekAlert!, a
service of AAAS.
And ( science daily magazine ) .

Note: Materials may be edited for content and
length. For further information, please contact
the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

1. Pak Kin Wong et al. Modelling and testing of
arresting process in flexible vehicle
arresting systems. Int. J. Vehicle Design ,
2013, 64, 1-25

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